FAQ (Frequently Asked Question)

Algorithmic Trading is also known as Algo Trading or automated traded or black box Trading. In this type of Trading, there is minimum human interference and computer programs are used to trade at higher speed and volumes accoring to the pre-defined parameters

ETECH Algo provides one of the best platforms for Algo Trading

The most commonly used Algorithms for Trading are Arbitrage Opportunities, Index Fund Rebalancing, Time Weighted Average Price (TWAP), Volume-weighted Average Price (VWAP), Percentage of Volume (POV), etc.

Algo Trading is machine Trading which involves minimum human interference. Algo Trading uses computer programs with pre-defined parameters to trade at a speed which is impossible for a normal human to trade.

The global market is expected to grow rapidly in terms of usage of Algo Trading. It is expected that the percentage of Algo Trading in derivatives and commodity markets will grow significantly across the globe.

An automated Trading system can be created using advanced mathematical computer programs for transacting in the financial markets.

Some of the disadvantages of Algo Trading include dependence on technology, requires resources, loss of human control and risk of over-optimization.

There are many advantages of Algo Trading. Some of them are no human emotions, accuracy, speed, discipline, consistency, etc.

Python has a functional programming approach that can be used for writing and evaluating the Algo Trading structures.

Technically Trading robots really work and are used as a tool of Trading by the traders in the market.

ELEPHANTIC technologies PVT Ltd is a software development and marketing company. We develop software for automated trade. We do not provide any type of stock market tips or recommendation. Please read the disclaimer before subscribing to Etechalgo services.